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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Sanz

Enhancing Flavors

I read the other day that you should pair similar flavors. If your cider has notes of berries, try pairing it with some fruit!

So I gave it a try!

Pictured below is a beautiful fresh salad I made for dinner tonight. It had pears, strawberries, carrots, feta, tomatoes and I drizzled strawberry pomegranate dressing on top.


I had leftover Survivor Bob (pictured on the right) so I decided to give it a try! Sorry, I was basically done with my salad before realizing I should've taken a picture together.

But what I found was that the sweetness of my salad brought out the sweetness of my cider and it was great!

Survivor Bob has the right amount of berry sweetness so it wasn't overpowering.

Seriously, this was amazing!!

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