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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Sanz

A Party Must-Have

We all know the most important part of a party is the food! (Well, I guess it's a close tie with alcohol)

Figuring out what to make for a party is stressful! If there is one thing for sure, finger foods are your best bet.

One of my favorite and must-have dishes at a party is a charcuterie board.

I jump at the opportunity to make it because they're fun and you can be creative as you want! Plus, you can always use what you have on hand (although, who has deli meat and cheese readily available? LOL)

Cheese pairs perfect with wine and cider! Plus, who DOESN'T like cheese?!

Check out my suggestions on what to pair your cider with here.

If the word charcuterie has you already overwhelmed, don't you worry! I got you ;)

Use my easy guide on how to make the perfect charcuterie board here.

Seriously, it's a life saver!

My friend Deirdre used it this past weekend and made this beautiful platter:

Credit: Deirdre St.John

But don't let this overwhelm you! Design your platter how you want and for however many people you plan on having! You can make it as simple or extravagant as you want.

My boyfriend and I are charcuterie board fanatics. Seriously, if a charcuterie board of any kind is on the menu, we're ordering it!

Check out a few of the boards I've made:

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